Because the modern lifestyle is full of stress and anxiety, many people are looking for ways to find peace. Practices like meditation and philosophies like Zen can help. For example, Zen philosophy places less emphasis on traditional religious practices and places more emphasis on meditation and compassion.  The denial of one’s own ego is one of the major tenets of Zen philosophy, along with a focus on how everything in the universe is interrelated, practising mindfulness in the present moment and other similar ideas. Combine the soothing music with the sounds and philosophy of Zen, and you have a fantastic way to relax and rejuvenate your mind.

There is more to music than just a lovely melody. Additionally, music has a tremendously uplifting effect, not only on our feelings but also on our physical bodies. Our minds may be put at ease and our muscles can be relaxed by listening to music with a slower tempo. This not only enables us to relax and unwind but also helps us release the stress that builds up throughout the day.

And if you are looking for some incredibly soothing tracks, then here’s a good youtube channel that you should definitely check out!

Drowsy Zen This is an amazing and one-of-a-kind youtube channel that brings chill, soothing, meditative, techno, and sometimes even entertaining music tracks for all of us. The channel plays amazing music on various instruments such as Handpan, Steel Tongue Drum or Hank Drum Idiopan, Tibetan Singing Bowls and more.

Let’s check out a few interesting tracks from this channel!

Binaural beats are utilised in this track in order to facilitate relaxation. Binaural beats are a type of sound perception that is created inside of your head. If you listen to two tones that are both of a different wavelength and are coming from two different ears, then your brain will generate a 3rd tone that you’ll be able to hear amid the two other tones. This specific kind of third tone has been given the moniker of a binaural beat. These beats are thought to be particularly effective when it comes to achieving the goals of sleep focus and relaxation.

This song features super soothing tunes using Tibetan singing bowls. These bowls contain incredibly unique tones that can even be used to regulate blood pressure, to alleviate issues associated with asthma, to revitalise the working of the adrenal gland, to release and stabilise the meridians, and to strengthen the synaptic reactions in our brains.

Check out this channel if you are someone who is tired of the hectic nature of the modern lifestyle and wants to unwind and give your mind a break, or if you are someone who is looking for meditation tracks. Either way, this channel has many great tracks to help you out.  So watch these videos, and then tell us what you think about them in the comments area below.