The world is a vast place that conceals a lot of wondrous things in all of its various corners. We have a relatively short lifespan as humans, and we spend the majority of it in a confined space with a relatively small group of other individuals. But just consider that for a moment. If you had the opportunity to explore every location in the world, how many amazing experiences you have had, and how many interesting things you would have learned? It is not possible to explore the entire world, but we can surely travel to some of them.

Travelling helps us to discover and experience new areas throughout the world. There is no shortage of amazing places to visit all across the world. But that’s not the only thing that makes each location unique; it also has its own past, its own laws, distinct people with different ideas and perspectives, different cultures and different cuisines, and so much more. And if you are the kind of person that lives for new experiences, then you have arrived at the right place.

Mickey & Nani brings to us this amazing travel vlog on youtube. They have the belief that the best experiences and most meaningful connections in life can only be found outside of one’s comfort zone. That’s why they travel a lot. And while travelling, they record a lot of videos as well. They love to share all their amazing adventures and life experiences with all those people who love to explore and know about different parts of the world.

From historical forts and monuments to posts, beaches, sanctuaries, shopping malls, restaurants and even fantastic road trips, they have it all on their channel. So let’s check out some of their interesting videos!

Yanam is a town in Puducherry, an Indian union territory. With magnificent canals through the town built during the french rule and the lovely serene coastal lines, there is a lot to see in Yanam, starting with shivalingam showering with elephants, Telugu Talli statue, Rajiv park, Christ statue and more.

Coringa Wildlife sanctuary is the 2nd largest mangrove in India after the Sundarbans of West Bengal. It was established in 1978 with the purpose of preserving the rich species of Mangrove trees and wildlife that exists there. This sanctuary is particularly famous for its rich flora & fauna. In addition, there are several rare varieties of mangroves and many rare species of birds as well that attract a lot of tourists.

Mickey and Nani take us on a journey that is both entertaining and educational through their fascinating video blog. So if you are someone who has a good interest in travelling and discovering new places do not fail to check out this youtube channel and take pleasure in all of its amazing videos.