We all live a life that is full of dreams and aspirations. We all want a beautiful life full of love and happiness. But how will that happen? Things never happen on their own and you need to make efforts if you want your life to take a particular direction. So, in general, if you want a happy and prosperous life, what are the most important things that you must maintain? Think about it. According to me, good health and the right mindset are the most important things.

When you want your life to go your way, you need to make plans and make efforts to work out those plans. Good health is an absolute necessity because you need your body by your side so that you can work effectively on your plans. The same goes for mindset. In life, you will always face several hurdles and setbacks, and if you don’t have the right mindset you won’t be able to deal with them.

If you are like me and you believe that these things are important, then check out this interesting youtube channel!

NofilterMarion Health is a youtube channel that helps get better in life. On this channel, you will find a lot of videos about improving your health with better recipes and diets. You will also find several other tips and tricks to maintain better health. And let’s not forget about the mindset. This channel has many videos that help you maintain a positive mindset and manifest good things in life with the power of affirmations. 

Let’s check out a few interesting videos from this channel!


Being overweight is probably one of the most widespread health problems and is something that eventually leads to many other health problems. All of us want to shed our extra weight and many of us start a weight loss routine as well, but it still feels difficult. There are actually many factors that affect our weight loss journey. Let’s talk about them in this video!


Motivation is an overrated thing. In life, motivation is here for us only in some moments and leaves us alone for most of it. That’s why it’s better to learn to do things without motivation. Once you learn this, you are no anymore dependent on how you feel, you can simply start doing whatever needs to be done.  

Overall, this is a really good youtube channel cum self-improvement vlog. It has many useful and practical videos for us so watch them all and get yourself ready for a better life.