Senegal, a country in West Africa, is stunning. The Wolof, Fula, Serer, and Toucouleur are just a few of the many ethnic groups that call this country home. Dakar, the country’s capital, is a thriving metropolis with a teeming nightlife and many interesting cultural landmarks. Beautiful beaches, such as those in the Cape Verde Islands, have brought Senegal a lot of attention. Senegal is a fascinating destination because there is so much to do and see there.

TV news channel

If you are curious about the localities, nature, specialities, and daily news about Senegal, here is the YouTube channel of Thies TV, where you can get to know about important news about Senegal in an efficient manner. 


THIESINFO ACTUALITES is a news YouTube channel, where you can get important information and news about Senegal and its states. Basically, it’s a French YouTube channel, as it is about Senegal country news. The channel is perfect in terms of information, videos, creativity, explanation, and niche. That;s why it is subscribed by 34.8k subscribers.

Nature of Videos

Videos of Thiesinfo Actualites are in french language. You can find any kind of eligible news here. Like:

L’association Tringa Redonne Le Sourire Aux Enfants De L’orphelinat Vivre Ensemble (The Tringa Association Brings A Smile To The Children Of The Orphanage Living Together) is the latest video regarding the noble work of Tringa Association.

Similarly in another video Thies TV channel, you can get to know about information regarding a Senegal latest Sports events, 2023:

Basically, you can get reliable and important information of every kind via Thiesinfo Actualites. The channel is very creative and important for people because you can get to know more about people of Senegal through it.

Bottom Line

Senegal is also a great place to visit if you’re interested in learning more about African history, culture, and daily life of people of Senegal, check out Thiesinfo Actualites.